A-Level Skills Development

 8th September 2023

LO: To research, plan and produce a product in response to a brief.

Genre: Modern Jazz

Artist Name: Joel Tatum

Album Name: Dizzy Nights

Song List:

Golden Strike

Young eyes

Midnight blues

Stolen time

Red in Blue

Family Feels

Silent Sugar

Breathing in Soul


Misty View


Instruments; Saxophone, Piano, Trombone, 

Harmony, creative freedom, Smooth, fast and slow pace.

Colour palette: Orange and black popular, usually black paired with a much brighter colour, strong use of contrast.

Album covers: Always either a person or instrument on cover, usually both

Tour Posters: Usually an instrument graphically designed, contrast of bright coloured background with dark coloured instrument

Layout/Design conventions, Posters and album covers

Illustration very often used in modern jazz album covers and posters, very commonly black and orange or a dark coloured background with a brightly coloured illustrated instrument or person.

Always emphasis on the person or instrument in posters/albums

Information such as song list etc usually at bottom/bottom left of image

Person or instrument always central

Album title usually top, centre or top left

Album title sometimes split across or divided by central image.

Illustrations and overall design usually simplistic shapes.


Contrasting colours, dark and light colours

List of albums/songs, most popular/recent first

news about concerts, coming up events

Event Dates

Thursday 28th Sep 2023

Jazz Promotion Package Complete:

Website Homepage: https://sethw5092.wixsite.com/joeltatumontour 

Social Media Post:

Album Cover and back:

Tour Poster:


Consistent Design

Piano High quality

Lack of detail in location on tour poster

music notes not needed

social media post needs more info

match fonts across pieces

Copyright info needed on album cover back


  1. Great ideas. -we need to focus on details going forward


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