NEA Feedback & Midterm Feedback

 Friday 29th November 2024

Magazine Targets-

Recut images used

Revise cover line style and placement (Make more unique)

Add more info to contents

Incorporate Masthead into contents page.

Website Targets-

Finish Link Page, more text, more elements etc

Look at other websites and try and replicate style

Improve digital convergence

Midterm Targets-

Balance time for each question better

Question 3:

Make multiple clear points and try not to repeat the same point over and over.

Question 4:

Write more, allocate time better. Ensure multiple clear points are made

Intro- Codes & Conventions differences reflect audiences- Yes.  Agree, Disagree, Both

2- context of production and consumption of KE

    Production and consumption of LP

3- Context influence in C+C- KE

4 Context influence in c+c- LP

5- Conclusion- judgement, differences In C+C KE + LP




Codes and conventions in long form television dramas reflect the different values, attitudes and beliefs of audiences. I completely agree with this statement and believe that different audiences will consume media that matches their values, attitudes and beliefs.

Context of production and consumption of KE

All female production team- ME2, social context at the time

BBC America- Paid for TV. BBC 3- free licence fee. Netflix subscription.

High production budget

Political events at the time

ME2 movement

What are the applicable points on the theory.

How does the theory apply.

How does the theory work for TVD.

Give examples from TVD.

Limitations covered as well.


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