
Showing posts from October, 2023

Shoot Out

 Thursday 5th October 2023 LO: To create an effective scene using basic filming rules

Scene Analysis Homework

 Scene was recommended to me by my dad Warriors, Come Out to Play - The Warriors (7/8) Movie CLIP (1979) HD - YouTube Medium Close Up Shot Shows deadpan reaction that suggests confidence while also showing desolate and empty background. Suggesting isolation. Pov Shot See car from POV of swan, makes watcher feel like they are swan in that moment, shows slight fear and tension. Low Angle Shows character as powerful, especially with violent context of scene Pan Shot Looks like character is hanging of pipe from ceiling but pans down to reveal that character is not  hanging of and trying to rip the pipe of the ceiling. (This is at 0:23) Multiple character Shot (2,3,4,5 etc shot) Shows the whole group of people, shows visible relationship between people all looking at the same thing, suggests close bonds between them.