Industry & Audiences

 Media Industries & Audiences

Monday 4th November

LO: To explore the content of the unit


Worth 166.68 Billion USD


Sky UK


Universal Pictures

Sky News




Theme Parks


Streaming Services



A conglomerate is a large corporation that includes many different businesses operating in different industries and sectors. These businesses are subsidiaries of the conglomerate and operate independently while still being owned by the parent company and benefiting from shared resources.

An example of a conglomerate is The Walt Disney Company, owning companies in all sorts of sectors, tech, theme parks, restaurants etc. Disney utilises diversification in business to become one of the biggest media entertainment companies in the world.

An example of this diversification is when Disney purchased Pixar and other companies like Marvel to expand its own expertise, brands etc.


Worth 173.76 Billion USD

There are 5 major industries Disney operates in:

Media Networks

Parks & Resorts

Studio Entertainment

Consumer Products


Pixar- 7.4 Billion Toy Story, Monsters Inc, Cars

Lucasfilm- 4 Billion Star Wars

Marvel- 4 Billion Marvel Universe

20th Century Fox- 71.3 Billion 

Friday 8th November

Horizontal Integration- Buying other companies on the same level of the value chain that allow you to branch out into other industries (Films, books etc) and expand your companys operations.

Vertical Integration- Buying a company on a different level of the value chain, The goal being to own all methods of distribution (Production, Distribution, Exhibition) to improve efficiency, control costs etc.

Two common strategies used by companies to expand their operations and increase their market power.

Columbia Pictures- American film studio- Ghostbusters, Bridge on the River Kwai, Lawrence of Arabia

Warner Bros- American Entertainment Company- Wizard Of Oz, Dark Knight trilogy

Universal Pictures- American Film Studio- ET, Jurassic Park,  Fast & The Furious

Paramount Pictures-  American Film Studio- The Godfather, The Titanic, Indiana Jones

Snow White & The Seven Dwarves

LO: To explore the set texts.

Major Technological Developments 1898-1915

Motion Picture Camera (Cinematograph)- Luminiere Brothers

Editing- Edit between scenes, Parellel storytelling etc.

Silent films- Orchestras actually on set

Manual painting of film to add colour

1930's Hollywood

Major film studios:

Warner Bros- The Jazz Singers, 

RKO- Notorious, 



MGM- Gone with the wind, The Wizard Of Oz, The Good Earth

Universal- Frankenstein

Will H. Hays- Began regulation of film, introduced first rules and codes.

Film made on a very large scale, elaborate sets, 

Star Actors were under contract to only be in a specific companys films

Snow White Context

Large advances in film production

Regulation introduced

Monday 11th November 2024

Snow White & The Seven Dwarves

Main Characters

Snow White- Feminine, Innocent, Pure

Stepmother/Queen- Evil, jealous, Antagonist, 




Evil Stepmother
Innocent Snow White
Stepmother jealous, orders her to be killed
Sent to forest to be killed
Finds dwarves
befriends dwarves
is poisoned by queen
revived by true loves kiss
happily ever after

Gender- Sexism, snow white cleans, cooks, very hygienic . Dwarves go mining, dont usually wash etc. Very stereotypical and old fashioned gender stereotypes

Age- Snow white clearly fairly young, compared to much much older prince, far more acceptable premise at the time.


LO: To explore the context & influences in the 1930's

Making of the movie:

Merch available immedialtey

First movie to have soundtrack released on vinyl

Very risky, money was completely depleted

Several scenes and gags cut or shortened

Making of the film was a historic achievement

Production took 3 years to complete

Film employed large team of animators, artists technicians. Using a multi planed camera, created illusion of depth and movement.

Walt disney himself was heavily involved in production

Film premiered december 21st 1937, immediate critical and commercial success. Became highest grosing film of 1938

Today, wildly regarded as a classic, continues to be beloved.

Friday 22nd November 2024

German Expressionism

Major influence on visual style of snow white
Evil queen and castle- angular lines sharp angles, constrast, towering turrets, twisted architecture.
Also applies to snow white and dwarves, while the queen is beautiful and evil, dwarves such as grumpy are angry but kind.

WW1 caused creative developments to come to a standstill in france, germany and the UK
Government commonly controlled what films were released and what weren't
Germany has the only potential competition for hollywood
Established costume wearing
Weren't many independent production companys
Cabinet of Caligarry. Film that showed the realities of WW1 and the distrust of their leaders.

Technology used to create Snow White

Drawings on paper then quickly flipped through to create illusion of movement
Large team of staff
Composer on set to help visualise what music would sound like and what corresponding movements.
Animation paper, see through paper used to draw over previous drawing to move the animation along.
Mirror on desk used to see facial expressions example.
Each frame photographed individually by large specialised camera.
Animations pre watched in rough form to ensure quality of movement.
Colour applied manually to each frame.
Background and characters are separate, characters moved to different background. Characters placed on clear film so not visible.
Sound effects, obscure and random objects and instruments used to make different sounds.
Small Orchestra on set to record music.

American Mid-West

Walt Disneys upbringing in the american midwest significantly affected the themes and values in his productions and portrayal of an all american idealised vision of innocence and wholesomeness.

Disneys midwestern roots made him appreciative for family, community and hard work, shown through characters like snow white, cinderella. Very hard working and virtuous characters.

Disneys films also featured a nostalgic view of rural America with quaint settings and idyllic towns, this vision was popular with audiences as it offered an idyllic escape from WW2 and events such as the great depression.

Some state that Disneys representation of America was narrow and idealised and not accurate to real life. Despite these criticisms his films continued to be beloved, and his idyllic representations became his legacy.

Walt Disney

Known for being demanding and occasionally difficult to work with, but also had a clear appreciation for animation and creating entertaining and inspiring films.

Heavily involved in the creative production of his films and would closely supervise the animation, giving instructions and feedback on their work.

Still recognised the importance of his employees and was known for organising several company events and outings, offering profit sharing and pension plans.

Disney also encouraged his employees to explore their own interests, resulting in formation of a group called the "nine old men" who were group of Disney's animators that were given freedom to create and experiment in their work.

Despite his reputation as a demanding and difficult boss, his employees remained fiercely loyal, respecting his passion for creating entertainment and animation.

What Influenced The Production Of Snow White & The Seven Dwarves?

Walt Disney-
Walt Disney was extremely ambitious and passionate about creating animation and entertaining films, having only done very short films and cartoons, a full length film would be an incredible milestone in animation history, Walt Disney additionally enjoyed attention so being the first ever to create a full feature length animated film would make him incredibly famous. His passion for the art and desire for fame influenced him to create snow white.

Being the first ever full length animated film, it had incredible potential to generate an enormous profit, while not being the most prioritised reason, the idea of a large profit helped motivate the production of the film.

Animation had become an increasingly popular art form and was enjoyed thoroughly by the vast majority of people, this caused the production of animation to be refined and enhanced, new animation techniques, independant companies etc. Tech such as the multiplane camera, technicolour and advances in sound and music on recording were developed and available. So pushing the limits of technology and proving that much larger productions could be made would help push the technology and animation as a whole to become more advanced and developed, and it did.

Fairy Tales-
Fairy Tale books were exceedingly popular, their fierce popularity influenced the idea of creating an animation following a similar storyline and theme. Princesses, Castles, Magic, Princes, Witches etc were very popular ideas and an animated fairy tale would surely be succesful.

The occurrence of WW2 stunted and stopped animation in many different places, this meant that there was a sort of pent up creativity where animators such as Walt Disney couldn't do what they loved, meaning that when the war ended and they were free to create again, there was lots of enthusiasm and energy for creating a much larger project. Such a positive and incredible production could also create an escape and distraction for people still suffering from the effects of the war.

Monday 25th November 2024

The Golden Age

LO: To explore cinema in the 1930s

Special cinemas built that were "movie palaces" built for the wealthy higher class. Featured elaborate architecture, plush seating, air conditioning etc.

Common for cinema to show 2 features for the price of one, know as a double feature.

Before main feature films, cinemas showed cartoons and newsreels instead of adverts like modern day cinemas.

During longer films, cinemas would often have intermissions halfway through to allow audiences to stretch their legs, go to the restroom, buy refreshments etc.

Some films were edited or outright banned if deemed inappropriate or offensive by government bodies.

Cinemas in the 1930's were a massively popular form of entertainment enjoyed by all classes, allowing people to escape from their everyday lives.


LO: To explore Disneys exhibition strategy

Why was Snow White a success

First full length feature films
Significant technologiical and artistic achievement.

Engaging and accessible to all ages
Well known fairy tale
Characters charming and likeable.

Memorable songs that become popular hits

Extensive & Effective
Variety of promotional techniques

Well received by critics
Positive word of mouth generated interest for public.

Overall, it was a success with all audiences in 1937 because it was groundbreaking, entertaining and well marketed film, captured peoples imagination of audiences around the globe.


Kay Kamen started an extensive marketing a year before that had merchandise on the shelf months before the films release.

Painted figures were already popular due to other famous productions like mickey mouse.

This got Disney's version of snow white into people homes well before the film released.

Lego Sets


Disney & Mcdonalds have a long standing partnership that has been beneficial for both companies. 


Several soundtrack releases

Original released in 1938

In 1987 Disney released a new soundtrack, remastered version 

Legacy Collection Soundtrack-

Special edition Snow White, remastered again

Released on vinyl several times throughout the years.

Rerelease Strategy

1944- Morale in WW1, release film to new generation

1952- Double feature with alice in wonderland

1967- 30th Anniversary celebration

1983- Double feature with Mickeys christmas carol

1993- 56th Anniversary

2016- 79th Anniversary 

Home Release

1994- VHS

2001- DVD

2009- Blu-Ray


4K Ultra HD- 2019

Monday 9th December 2024

Shang-Chi & The Legend Of The Ten Rings

LO: To explore the set texts


Highly succesful & popular

Large budget

High production values

Well known actors & directors

Strong marketing campaign

Star wars, Marvel, Harry Potter, Titanic etc

 Legacy Character-

Character whos identity is passed down from an older character in the form of title, job or persona for the new character to assume.

Shang Chi-

Origin story



Shang Chi/Shaun




Family- Similar to Disneys passion and strong belief in family, family is a central and important theme.

Asian Culture- Far more diversity and difference from snow white. Any non white representation is an evolution and subversion of stereotypical ideologies and progressive mindset.

Gender- Lots of female empowerment and direct comments on inequality and how bad it is. Female characters very skilled at fighting, winning fights against men, on same level as men etc.



Asian characters & Heritage- Diversity

Gender equality- supported and subverted. Supported by positive representation of women, slight support of gender stereotypes. female love interest, feminine clothing and behaviour at times, gentler fighting style?. Compared to men who have very violent and aggressive fighting styles and behaviours.

Changes in film industry-

Massive evolution in technology, CGI etc

Different type of film, live action instead of animation

Film industry now more progressive

Monday 6th January 2024

LO: To explore the context of the set text

Streaming services, rapidly growing in revenue but were still making a loss in 2020. Disneys films are ket to establishing brand awareness, where growth is prioritised over profit.

1. Shang-Chi was directed by Destin Daniel Cretton

2. Produced by Kevin Fiege & Jonathan Schwartz

3. Marvel

4. Disney

5. $150 million


7. Delayed considerably by covid. Had a45 day exclusive cinema only period, where it was not released simultaneously on dreaming services.


9. 432.2 Million

Influences for Shang-Chi:

The original comics

Martial arts

Martial arts media- films, shows, famous martial artists.

Marvel- Superheros etc, action, villains etc

Chinese mythology & folklore- The ten rings, dragons, the great protector etc.

Hong Kong cinema

New Technologies

CGI- Advanced and immersive visual effects

Motion Capture- capturing actors movements used to animate digital characters, used to make realistic and expressive movements. 

Green Screen- A replaceable background that can immerse viewers and create an environment

Practical Effects- used to make effective and tactile environments and props.

3D Printing- Create detailed and intricate props normally impossible to a make by human hands.

Friday 10th January 2024

Shang-Chi Marketing & Production

Online posters
Online trailers
Online advertisements
Teaser Trailers
Trailer before other film at cinema
Bus Posters
Social Media
Actor interviews
Merch releases
TV ads
Post credit scenes of other films

Distribution Agreements-

Film distributors will be involved with a dilm before production

A distribution agreement will also cover-

Promotion in all media before and after release

Different cuts necessary for different cultures or territories

how the income for the release will be apportioned

how far distribution licenses expand into other markets such as TV & Home entertainment

Main objective is to create visibility and engage interest

Interest needs to be built to a peak just before the film opens to cinema because of proliferation in films

Unveiled at comic con

Trailer premiere on ESPN before a basketball match

Promotional tie ins, drinks

Events by promotional partners such as Microsoft & BMW

Online discussion of trailers, teasers etc

Monday 13th January 2024

Action, Superhero

Fighting, war
Shang-chi protagonist
Wenwu antagonist

Binary Oppositions-
Red & Blue, orange/yellow and blue, not opposite but contrasting

Shang chi- Defending (Not aggressive, calmer, less inclined to fight)
Wenwu- Attacking (Violent, Aggressive etc)
Wenwu Background- plotting, scheming, evil, powerful

None of cast is particularly famous


Superhero film

Audience Appeals-
Superhero- Male, appeals to men
Family- Father & Son, Men
Asian Culture- Outfits, Fighting, iconography, Cast ethnicity- Appeals to an asian Chinese culture
Setting, English language- Appeals to a more western audience

The marketing of major hollywood films has changed massively since the 1930's due to massive technological advancements.

In the 1930's, Marketing for major films was fairly limited. The main way of spreading the upcoming release of films was via print media. Things such as Posters advertising the film, Ads in newspapers, flyers and leaflets handed out in cinema and so on. The other main way the release of a major film may have been advertised would be by word of mouth. This was especially apparent in the marketing and release of Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs. This film utilised all previously mentioned marketing techniques, but word of mouth would have been an especially effective way as Snow White was the first full length animated production ever to be released to cinemas. This meant that the release was a very big deal and therefore enhanced all marketing techniques, especially word of mouth as your more likely to discuss a films release with someone if it is a very new and exciting format such as Snow White in the 1930's. Additionally, Disney used the bizarre strategy of releasing merchandise for the film before it released. While this is a very strange idea for modern day marketing,, in the 1930's and when related to such a big deal of a release it helped create large amounts of popularity for the film and its characters, leaving people who purchased the merchandise to wonder what the narrative was and how each character would react. Overall the marketing for films in the 1930's was limited by their technology but at the time, all marketing techniques were used extensively to ensure knowledge of the film was sufficiently spread.

For modern day marketing for major hollywood productions there is a much larger variety of marketing techniques available, largely due to large technological advancements, but it similarly uses all of the same marketing techniques as the 1930's just with more efficiency and time appropriate elements. The main technological advancement that massively enhances and improves marketing to reach a massive, global audience is the internet. The internet allows a major hollywood release to be advertised globally through marketing techniques such as teaser trailers, trailers, online advertisements, film websites, cinema websites, cast interviews etc.

Friday 17th January 2024

Shang Chi- Economic Context

LO: To export the context of the set text

Examples of Shang-Chi Merchandise

Appeals to collectors and marvel enthusiasts, may appeal to children who enjoy having toys of their favorite characters etc.

Released months before the film released

Appeals to kids who like soft toys and the film, may also appear to older collectors or marvel enthusiasts or anyone who find the plushie and film character cute. 

Came out after the film, produced by a separate company.
Appeals to older people who admired the fashion and clothing from the film and want to replicate it because they think its fashionable or want to look similar to the character.

Style of jacket already existed but one to one copies of one from film made.

Production budget of Shang-Chi- 150 million

Shang-Chi Audience & Regulation

Given a 12A Rating in the UK after being submitted to the BBFC in 2021

Suggested violence such as Wenwu taking out an entire army and the bus scene with razor fist closely missing Shang-Chi with his blade and people being thrown out of the bus etc is very evident but explicit violence is censored and never focused on by use of the mis-en-scene and camerawork to cover any potentially explicit moments, maintaining the rating as a 12A.

Other elements that effect the rating but were successfully censored enough are

The darker tones of the narrative- The death of Shang-Chis mother and his abusive upbringing by his father aswell as other tones such as sexism, the treatment of Shang-Chis sister during her upbringing. But these ideas are not focused on to much and are sectioned by comedic moments and overall do not set the tone of the film.

Language- Only one instance of the word "Bitch" and no other instances of profanity. which is acceptable for a 12A Rating

Shang-Chi was given a PG13 Rating in America

Streaming Sites-

Use their own age classifications, as its difficult to adhere to every countrys classification so having their own rating creates a standard idea across all countries. 

But these original age classifications can be confusing as people may disagree or have mistrust of the classification based on other factors.

Friday 20th January 2024

Exam Format

LO: To explore exam style questions

Producers target, reach and engage audiences by utilising content and marketing strategies to appeal to specific audiences.

Producers use advertising to skilfully target very specific audiences by placing the marketing for that film in places that the desired audience may be. For example, if trying to appeal to a male audience you may air the trailer for your film before, after or during the ad break of a sports livestream as typically, sports livestreams generate a large and mostly male audience. This was utilised in the advertising of Marvels "Shang-Chi" where a trailer was aired in the ad break before a major basketball match. You could also place your advertising in other places with large male audiences such as video games (Collaborations etc), male clothing brands etc. This technique is applicable to any specific audience a producer is trying to reach and is adjusted and changed to match. This idea and technique of placing your marketing in very specific places that match the interests of your desired target audience is very effective and can give your film alot of exposure to an audience that will be interested and want to go and see your film when it releases.

Additionally you can achieve a similar effect through merchandise, another form of marketing, merchandise can come in the form of physical products such as toys, clothes, food etc. This can help a producer create fans of the film before it is even released depending on when and where merchandise is released. For example, funky pops are a popular action figure brand that collaborate with a massive and broad range of companies such as Marvel, DC and other famous brands. Funko pops are often regarded as collectors items, being bought and then never opened to preserve and potentially increase their value and how sought after they are, alternatively they can also be bought by people who are simply fans of the characters depicted and want merchandise of them, buying them for decoration or even bought for younger audiences as toys to play with. When a popular hollywood blockbuster film is announced, people often try to buy merchandise for it before it releases as it quickly becomes exclusive and sought after if and when the film releases and becomes popular. Overall, merchandise can be used to target specific audiences depending on what the product is and who may be interested. Figures for those who collect or are fans of the brand or fictional world, typically teenage and older audiences and toys like plushies and even clothes for younger audiences.

These content and marketing strategies can also be influenced by social and economic contexts. Economic contexts at the time of release can affect how much and how widespread things like advertising and merchandise, heavily influenced by the marketing budget. Being more of a concern for smaller less known producers, but not for already famous brands like Marvel. Social contexts can also effect the type of marketing and merchandise producers may decide on and whether it is appropriate for the current social contet. 

In conclusion, Content and marketing strategies such as advertising and merchandise are used by producers to successfully and accurately target specific audiences in order to increase their profit and hype for the film when it releases.

Friday 24th January 2025

LO: To summarise key factors in the film industry.

Tentpole production- Expected to make large amounts of money that then supports smaller more risky films that may make less money.

Saturated Distribution- When a production goes globally, displays the film in a very large area, even global.

Snow White new tech at time-

Cel animation

Multiplane Camera

Hand-colouring and rotoscoping

Snow White- Premiered in L.A December 1937, then shown in two cinemas in new york and Miami in January 1938.

RKO then decided on a general release in February 1938 due to good reception from its limited release.

 Shang Chi premiered in 2021

Simultaneous release across globe.

Global distribution was much easier in 2021, speed and economy of digital distribution.


Historical Context Snow White

Film produced by white men for a white audience, typical values and ideologies at the time. Very patronising of people with Dwarfism.

Hays code from the 1930's forbade representation such as homosexuality and miscegenation very homophobic and racist rules.

Great Depression was occasionally represented in hollywood, cinema in that era deals with escapism

Economic Contexts

Free market capitalism-

Hollywood works to a commercial imperative, the pursuit of making a profit. Anti trust laws prevent and protect free markets by ensuring competition and that no one company has to much power or ownership of a sector.

The genius of Walt Disney was to be a small fish in the most economically powerful industry at the time. Thus finding his films globally distributed.

Friday 7th February 2025


BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show

LO: To research the background & industry behind the BBC Radio 1 Show

BBC 1 Radio breakfast show

Launched in 1967

Diet of pop music 

"swinging new radio service"

Established at the request of the government following the banning of pirate radio stations

Still considered flagship program of BBC radio 1, even change of presenter draws much media attention

Broadcasts under Reithian PSB principles

Reithian principles:

A way of educating the masses
Funded by the public license fee
Must always be approachable and accountable
High quality broadcasting but with a background of tradition

BBC aims to be impartial and neutral in its representations

Public Service Broadcasting:

Television and radio programmes that are broadcast exclusively to inform, advise and entertain the public without trying to make profit

BBC Funding:

Primarily funded through a license fee. money paid to buy specific rights from another party from a royal charter

BBC Radio Stations:

The BBC has 39 different radio stations, differing in location, time and purpose, being news, music, sports etc

BBC Values, mission & public purposes:

Act in the public interest
Serve all audiences through the provision of impartial, high quality and distinctive output and services that inform, educate and entertain.

Audiences are heart of everything we do
Creativity is the lifeblood of our organisation
Trust is foundation of the BBC
Respect each other
Accountable, deliver work of the highest quality

Public Purposes-

Charter sets out our five public purposes

Impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them

To support learning for people of all ages

Show the most create, highest quality distinctive output

Reflect and represent diverse communities 

Commercial and non commercial radio:

The main difference and the amount and degree a radio programme airs advertisements

Monday 10th February

LO: To research the background & industry behind the bbc radio 1 show

PSB & Political Context-

important role to play in democracy/culture

PSB institutions dependant on political support

Cultural policy suggests that it encourages inclusivity but also a national culture

Links to reithian origins, develops into a global framework and a debate on the concept of national television v global television.

BBC News v AI Jazeera English

Target audience of BBC Radio 1, audience expectations:

15-29 year olds
Audiences expect popular and modern music, presenters that are similar ages etc.

Radio 1 Breakfast show:

Runtime: 210 minutes 7AM-10:30AM
Presented by Greg James
Quizes, Opinions, audience competitions etc

How is breakfast show accessed before and after airing:
Accessed live via radio, website etc
Archive of all recent episodes on website and bbc sounds

What is BBC Radio 1's remit?
Entertain and engage a broad range of young listeners with a mix of comptempory music and speech. Aswell as a range of new music, support emerging artist (especially from the uK) and provide a platform for live music.

Biggest competition:
Zoe balls breakfast show
BBC Radio 2
BBC Radio 4
Heart Network
Capital Network
BBC Radio 5 Live

Use of PSB funding to promote new musical talent. For instance:

Transmissions from Glastonbury and The Big Weekend

Utilising the live lounge

More more expansive playlist than its commercial counterparts

Promoting and developing upcoming artists from a range of genres

Hosting the annual sounds of the year poll

Promoting artists who appear at the reading and leeds festival

Promoting BBC Introducing artists from the corporations regional programming

Radio 1 breakfast show clearly shows its target audience through variety and appeal its online offer.

Real time dialogue with audiences through text, email and social media

Podcasts of sections of the show available to download

Dedicated youtube channel hosting shareable celebrity rated content

Social media links

Video channel of BBC iplayer

Audio imaging package

Use of onomatopoeia, alliteration, lexis such as "nonsense" etc. All connotes an informal, light hearted feel that engages with younger audiences.

Contact options- SMS, Email, Social media- Active audience\

BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show

LO: Top make notes on a specific episode


News, serious, more serious stuff


Less serious, more funny celebrity news


Identical to twitter, more serious, news etc


Slightly more serious than TikTok


Actual Video, funny/notable moments

Monday 3rd March 2025

Radio 1 Breakfast Show

LO: To explore industry and contextual areas

Music is play-listed and decided every week by a committee

Choices are guided by what is popular with young people.

Public Purposes:

Provide impartial news and info to help people understand and engage with the world around them-

"National radio station, cant speak for everybody" remaining impartial and neutral. Discussing news and global events etc

To support learning for people of all ages-

Educating with various facts and discussing, tress release chemical etc.

To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services-

High production value, clear voices, financial stability, able to send people out to do pointless activities 

To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdoms nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom-

Having a broad range of viewers and guests

To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world-

Playing popular UK artist's music and discussing UK news and values, UK schools etc.


Ofcom holds the BBC to account ensuring it keeps to its charter and agreement

Mission of the BBC is to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain

The BBC has to make sure it keeps to its strict PSB remit; Greg James nearly quit during lockdown. Controversially, putting it out there.

Ofcom regulates the BBC by investigating any complaints made by the public and performing annual analysis to ensure it is continuing to follow the regulatory rules.

Social media obvious way of interacting with the programme, even if most is not heard within the programme.

Friday 7th March 2025

Radio 1 Breakfast Show

LO: To explore industry and contextual areas

Audiences are categorised and measured by RAJAR (Radio Joint Audience Research)- Jointly owned by BBC and the radiocentre.

BBC aims to make content for a diverse audience of young people


88% of population listens to radio

20.5 hours spent listening to radio

76% tune into digital radio a week

digital listening accounts for 714 million hours per week

Greg James- Guardian

"Greg James Saved Breakfast"

Pulled in 250,00 more listeners in his first year

Audience Blog


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