P1: Media & Rep
Friday 3rd November 2023
LO: To develop the language of media analysis.
Album Cover
Fans of genre/Music/Singer
Energetic, Loud, Confident
Shouting, Bright colours,
In the first cover we see a man with tattoos and a nice necklace and watch, We can connote from this that this man is very wealthy as is he able to afford these luxuries, we can also connote from the fact that the man has child who clearly feels safe and both are very comfortable that it is a very calm and relaxed environment. While in the second cover we see that the woman has messy hair, is clearly shouting and has a very typically rocky motorbike, we can connote from this that this environment is far more chaotic and loud.
Thursday 9th 2023
LO: To understand the terminology and theory needed to analyse music videos.
Silence Of The Lambs Camerawork
Close up of his face- Shows him as calm, creepy
high angle of him- shows him as powerful and intimidating
low angle of her- shows her and weaker and intimidated
POV Shot/High angle Shot of him from her perspective- Shows him as bizarre, sniffing, intimidating
Friday 10th November 2023
LO: To practise using the terminology and theory needed to analyse music video
Hayloft 2
Movement and body language at the end is a perfect mirror of her father, showing similarities and her realisation of their similarities, The idea of an abusive father/parental figure in media is a popular convention that can relate to rock as it is a convention for rock to be intense and cover darker and typically emotionally upsetting topics.
Low angle shot that makes her look small compared to the house, making it seem intimidating, suggesting she is afraid or powerless. This kind of shot that shows the character compared to a much larger ominous being or object, making the character seem weaker and small is a very popular choice in media to represent fear or nervousness in the character. While making the enemy seem intimidating and scary.
Thursday 16th November 2023
LO: To practise using the terminology and theory needed to analyse music videos.Gender-
Women, extremely sexualised, wearing very revealing clothing, sexual objects
Men, stereotypical, wearing suit, cheating
Variety, but emphasis on heteronormative relationships
Wide range of ethnicity and representation, no discrimination, very inclusive
The Artists-
Sam Smith, High status, confident,
Riptide Music Video-
Indie Rock, likes to be different
This is America- Childish Gambino
Police brutality
Gun laws in america
School Shootings
Friday 17th November 2023
July 2018
Inspector comes to town that is cleverly shown to look very wholesome and sweet while the town prepares for inspection. As inspector goes around is revealed that many of the previously wholesome things are very disturbing and is eventually lured into a wooden statue that is burned with him inside.
The video suggests people being and unkind toward a new person in town. While the lyrics suggest a greater authority being almost threatening.
Lyrics suggest a very powerful and threatening authority, links to current affairs at the time, predominantly Donald trump various contraversal statements. May link to trumps prejudiced and negative view of foreign people.
Thursday 23rd November 2023
LO: To explore the purpose, form and conventions of music genre.
Burn The Witch
Camera Work:
Static camera, never moves
massive use of mid shots showing 2 or more characters
mid shots allow full vision of a character design and possibly intent.
Wide angles shows environment, town
Clever angles hide certain aspects such as the noose
Static/Grainy effect similar to older cartoons
Stop motion animating suggests a retro theme
locations, town center, greenhouse, park
Costume: Townspeople wear fairly standard casual clothing, town leader seems to wear a robe of sorts almost cult like.
Friday 24th Nov 2023
LO: To explore the use of media language and conventions in case study videos.
Lil Nas X- Sun Goes Down
The colour palette throughout the song is fairly bright, especially in the prom scene where colours such as pink, purple and blue are very evident. This colour palette matches the Pop genre of the song
The representation of the prom and the high school environment as a whole was very american based and stereotypical, Large hallways, lockers everywhere, multiple stories. The prom was very typical in its display, bright lights. hired DJ etc. Another reference was the mention of Nikki Minaj as a very popular real world artist. Especially mentioned due to Lil Nas X's connection and history with her.
Main Themes/Ideas-
The idea of the music video was Lil Naz X showing his struggle and discomfort in his own sexuality when he was younger. This is evident through the song lyrics such as "these gay thoughts would always haunt me" and "send me a gun and ill see the sun". This juxtaposition between younger him and present him is evident through the visual language such as facial expression(Several close ups showing his discomfort/unhappiness).
Artist Portrayal-
When we see Present Lil Nas X at the start of the song he is shown as godlike, Walking on water, wearing all white, a typically holy colour. And seeming very powerful through use of low angled camera shots making him look powerful and almost all knowing. His position is similar to that of a meditive state suggesting he is extremely at peace with himself. We then see a use of cgi to have him control water, further suggesting immense power and control. The present Lil Nas X is also usually surrounded by purple which we can link to spirituality and creativity which match his profession as a music artist.
Thursday 30th November 2023
LO: To explore the contexts & representations in the list A video.
Presented as very confident and powerful, in the start, floating, seemingly omnipotent, low angle shows superiority, Confidence emphasised by comparing to younger version of himself as he is shown to be very unconfident, Crying in bathroom, upset with self etc. Seemingly godlike, almost teleporting around, Contrasted by fact that younger version is seemingly a very average and stereotypical american high schooler. White suit connotes holiness, realism of a closeted gay man in 21st Century.
Friday 1st December 2023
LO: To explore the contexts & representations in the list A videos
Alien keyring, feels isolated, prom scene all alone
Godlike, praying
Stanning Nikki Minaj
Typical teenage experience high school
Intertextual reference- typical galaxy/space sky in start, Taco bell, fast food culture.
Homophobia- Lyrics, talks about how he doesn't want to be gay due to homophobia
Prom- All straight couples, suggests heteronormative society.
in Sun goes down representations of the artist promote Lil Nas X through Sexuality, Culture and race, The showing of Lil Nas X as a closeted gay man reflects him as a person and his identity. In the line "These gay thoughts would always haunt me" we can clearly connote that he has not yet come to terms with his sexuality (at the time this music video is set, 2017) and seems to hate himself for it, "Pray god would take it from me". This represents the social and historical context of 2017, where people of different sexuality's and genders were not accepted as openly as they are today. This is emphasised by the prom scene (MES) where we see many heteronormative couples dancing while Lil Naz X is isolated, reflecting the heteronormative american society of 2017. While this is a very serious topic the music video itself delivers a far easier to process and less brutal representation, the music video and lyrics as a whole show his journey self acceptance and love, showing his values and beliefs.
in Sun goes down representations of the artist promote Lil Nas X through Sexuality, Culture and race, The representation of race in Sun Goes Down reflects his life as a black man living in america. This is clear in the media language via sound, the lyrics state I had friends but they was picking' on me. Always thinking' "why my lips so big?" was I too dark?" while we see his character looking in a mirror and touching his lips. The Sound represents social context of 2017 america as racism and prejudice based on race was common and only beginning to be unacceptable. This also shows Lil Naz X"s values as he believes in racial equality.
Thursday 7th December 2023
Friday 8th December 2023
Thursday 14th December 2023
RadioHead- Burn The Witch
Xenophobia- The town clearly has prejudice against the inspector because he is not from their and is clearly different.
Individualism- Inspector is emphasised as an individual and different from the rest of the town
Globalisation- Lyrics of song suggests a greater power controlling everyone, music video suggests they have a personal authority that is unfairly enforced on the inspector.
Nationalism- Town cares about own community and dislikes outsiders
Lil Naz X- Sun Goes Down
Racism- Lyrics talk about feeling different
Equilibrium- Town existing, Rituals,
Disruption- Inspector Arriving
Recognition- Townspeople dressing up the town to make it look nice
Attempt To Repair- Trying to sacrifice inspector
New Equilibrium- Town goes back to its "normality"
Music is more important than image
Politically motivated, educated and left wing
Makes the town seem very idyllic using traditional representations, Beautiful weather, Very clean, Children Playing, everyone looks happy, Rural, Peaceful, Birds chirping- Peace etc. These stereotypes are used to show the fact that anyone can be xenophobic and it can be anywhere. Its slowly revealed that the town is more and more evil and xenophobic, ending with the town literally trying to kill the inspector because he is foreign to them.
Lil Naz X:
Very stereotypical representations of an american high school, looks VERY typical, Large hallways, Lockers, Traditional desks. Used to represent the environment as clearly and evidently american based.
First scene in video shows him as a sort of god, floating, manipulating water etc. Switches to very realistic representation of typical life, working, school etc.
Thursday 11th Jan 2023
Thursday 18th Jan 2023
Man is centre image, showing how he looks after using product, attractive
Text on bottom- Sans serif font, simple, smaller, doesn't want to draw attention away from main image, meant to be a secondary interest after looking at first image.
Direct Address- You
"precision" quality product etc
Close up static straight on shot, Directly looking at audience, all features in clear view, showing off how he looks after using product. Leather jacket- Cool
Colour pallet of black and dark blue/grey, very masculine, serious colours.
Slogan/Brand Identity:
Slogan- The best a man can get- Target audience of men
Logo- Very simplistic sans seriff font, masculine
Colour Pallet- Masculine, fits with target audience.
Lynx's new fragrance called click
People counter with 1930- Suggests he has slept with 1930 people with help from lynx helping him smell good.
No matter who you are or what you look like, this fragrance will help you seem very attractive.
How have they constructed
Main image central, showing smug expression, clearly portrayed as not a very stereotypically attractive male.
Plain background, emphasis on main image, portrays him as a regular and standard person.
Nigh club people counter (Mis-En-Scene)- Very suggestive, not immediately evident what is suggested when first seen, placed center bottom to draw attention to it but not take away emphasis from the main image.
Thursday 25th January 2024
Clearly advertising that levi's brand can make someone suitably tough for any sort of intense situation, suggesting the message that wearing this brand will make you look and feel much stronger and boost your confidence, suggested by slogan. This message is clearly constructed by various placements within the poster. The clear mid shot used to him in a clearly intense situation but also showing a fairly calm expression showing that he is confident and tough in the face of whatever clearly uncomfortable situation he is in. The "toughness" is clearly shown via the Mis-En-Scene of him being extremely dirty, covered in mud, maybe bloody, messy hair, all of this suggests that he has potentially been involved in a fight and has won or at least has definitely been involved in an extremely violent and dangerous circumstance, linking back to the brands message off being tough in the face of such dangers.
Friday 26th January 2023
Potential representation of a higher class as she is personally advertising an expensive skincare product so presumably she can use and afford it.
Shown to be a fairly young woman, 20s, very stereotypically attractive. Representation of young people
Female representation, sexualised, wearing little clothing, male gaze etc.
Dominant meaning: Buy this product so i can look as attractive as her.
Very stereotypical masculine/male representation, rough, aggressive, intense, uncaring, unfazed. Shown to be in a uncomfortable and intense situation but is still going on, victory etc. Slogan talking about toughness, male stereotypical representation of being tough and brave.
Suggests a higher class as main image is a very famous actor, tries to represent the higher class as compassionate and caring as is talking about getting rid of domestic abuse and sexual assault.
Shown as fairly masculine stereotype, looking serious, mature, physically well
An older male, represented as mature, experienced, wise
Exam Set Texts
Dove: Beautifully Real Mums 2017
Unattainable images of "perfect" mums.
Pressure to be perfect, feeling inadequate.
being real is more important than being perfect.
Photography of realistic mothers lifes
Established in 1957 in the us, released extremely successful cleansing bar, produces skincare and bodily healthy products.
Heavily promotes body positivity, making people more confident in themselves, no discrimination of gender, race, backgrounds etc
Previous campaign, ShowUs campaign, creates a huge collection of images containing a huge amount of diversity in age, ethnicity, disabilities and an overall inclusive version of "beauty" free for any media and advertisers to use. NoLikesNeeded- Create a more positive representation of beauty in social media.
Campaign includes promoting mothers self love and positivity, shames media representation of unattainable "perfect" mums. Promotes realistic motherhood and the beauty in it.
Have a product line that can compete in a market where J&J have 63.7% market shares
Enable real people to see themselves represented in adverts
Shot Type: Wide Mid Shot- clearly establish woman as a mother as shows her and all her children, shows chaotic nature of children, deep focus
Slogan: Real Life, Real Beauty- placed top right in order not to take away from main image, shown as an explanation for the ad, repetition of real reinforces purpose of campaign.
Typeface: Sans Serif- Clear, soft, easy to read, relaxed
Costume- All dressed very casually and comfortably, realism of what would be worn at home.
Hashtag- Beautifullyrealmoms- allows a quick way to research and find out more about the campaign
Lifestyle- Motherhood, Middle class
Logo- Shows a dove, bird of tranquility and calm
Location-- In a home,, unidentified location, showing what an average day in the house is for this mother
Product- No product advertised, more focus on promoting the brand and its values, popularity
Anchorage- RealLife RealBeauty- relates to the image, saying that this realistic representation is beauty and typical unattainable representation are negative. 'real" amplified by image
Colour Pallet- Soft, smooth, relaxed
Beauty Appeal-
Persuasive Language-
River Island: Labels are for clothes
Founded in 1949, focuses on womenswear but has menswear and kidswear as less promoted sub-focuses.
Bring new and original fashion to everyone without discrimination, promote inclusivity in their clothing.
Campaign includes promoting fashion with models of huge inclusivity of age, gender ethnicity, disabled etc.
Campaigns: Meet The Models, get a more personal look into the kind of people the models are, recorded interviews with casual questions to get a look at the models personality.
Large variety of representation, ethnicity, disability, gender.
Shouldn't be discrimination
Shelter: A Home For everyone 2011
Found in 1966, helps people who fear for their homes or do not have anywhere to sleep or suffer abuse in their home,
Help everyone without discrimination, try and help everyone have a safe place to call home.
Mortgage crisis in 2011, many people unable to afford their own homes, home prices plummet, causing sever economic repressions
Supporting people who fear losing their homes.
Friday 2nd February 2024
Thursday 9th February 2024
Created by Studio BLVD
Diverse campaign that features people of various ages, gender, ethnicity and ability.
Challenging societal and global stereotypes by featuring underrepresented groups.
Wanted to show their clothes are for everyone.
Paired with anti bullying charity called ditch the label and created inclusive t shirts and sweatshirts.
Campaign Objectives
Challenge outdated stereotypes
Promote inclusivity and diversity
Celebrate individuality and not define individuals by their ability or stereotypes
Shot Type- Medium Long Shot- Shows clear disability in person and clothing
Slogan- Smooth Moves Only- Smooth suggest nicely fitting, satisfying, Smooth for movement in a wheelchair
Typeface- Bold Sans Serif- easy to read, slightly informal
Costume- Casual, Cool- relaxed environment, relates to "Smooth"
Hashtag- LabelsAreForClothes- promoting campaign, gives access to more info about campaign, shouldn't prejudice against underrepresented groups
Lifestyle- Disabled, in wheelchair, still positive, middle class, anyone can be fashionable
Logo- Bottom of poster, second thing to look at, identifies brand, unnecessary but still there, Website- more people shop online
Location- Plain red background, shootout set- tame, calm, clean, studio- suggests a model
Product- Clothing on guy- looks nice, promotes product
Anchorage- Smooth Moves Only- Links to wheelchair- Labelsareforclothes- No prejudice against underrepresented groups
Composition and Layout- Standard layout for poster, reliable, looks clean and effective, Main image center, Logo at bottom, Slogan in center, draws attention, read top to bottom, see logo last
Colour Palette- Red- Romance, Smooth etc Black, White, brown- Darker colours, sleek, cool, calm, Gold- Money, status, power
Beauty Appeal- Natural beauty with disability- Proud, Well groomed- facial hair etc, conventionally attractive
Persuasive Language- Direct Address- model looking at audience
Typical Representations:
No Imperfections
Some ethnic variation
Disabled model looking fashionable and proud, positive attitude despite disability, looks very happy and positively represented
Very positive representation, Looks happy, Looks conventionally attractive, described as smooth, positively complimented.
Stereotypes of conventional attractiveness, well groomed, well styled and fashionable etc, stereotypes of typical french men being romantic and smooth, enhances conventional attractiveness.
Media Language- Medium long shot used to show him in a wheelchair and show the river island product.
Disabled Groups Representations:
Weaker, Dependent, not represented at all, needing support etc
Thursday 22nd February 2024
Consumerism- Promoting the brand to buy clothes
Celebrity Culture- Jordan louche, famous basketball player, interests viewers, not a massively famous person, suffering from disability
Ableism- Features a disabled man on poster, looking happy, fashionable etc
Individualism- removes idea of individualism, everyone should be equal etc
Multiculturalism- French model on ad
Diversity more accepted, more equality among cultures
Millennials are digital natives
Thursday 22nd February 2024
Analysis and Context
Typical conventions of charity campaigns:
Close up shot
Eyes stare out- Direct Address
Washed out colour- Drab/harsh life
Direct Address- imperative of now
Logo/Brand- Reputable, Respected
Very specific target Audience:
People who have homes that are at risk and are unaware of their rights and require support (Legal, financial, emotional)
Created by Amplify on a pro-bono basis
3 posters that depict different personal situations changing and struggling
All posters say "We can help"
Differences between charity and commercial adverts:
Commercial adverts target people in a comfortable financial and personal situation that can afford their product without worrying, being totally ignored by people who are struggling in their own personal situation. While charity adverts are directly aimed at people who are struggling and offering help, but being very serious and also trying to get the attention of more comfortably situated people through things like emotive language to help those who are less fortunate. Commercial adverts use media techniques to peak positive interest in audiences through techniques such as a strong colour pallet while charity ads peak negative interest and try to create empathy in audiences using direct address, muted colour pallet, close ups etc. Commercial ads aim to sell a product for that companys financial gain while charity ads try to ask for help from those who are able to support those who are struggling and are generally more selfless. Charity ads also tend to contain more text to explain in detail the unhappiness of those who are struggling to effectively evoke empathy in the audience while commercial ads are much more short and sweet, trying to quickly evoke interest in audiences for personal financial gain. Commercial ads also vary alot in their style and layout using a variety of styles and positioning in their ads to seem interesting and more fun while charity ads tend to be very similar in their conventions in order to be more serious and emotionally matching the upsetting topics they are talking about.
Challenge outdated stereotypes of homelessness
Raise awareness for their respective charity
Shot Type- Big Close up, shows entire facial expression, shows emotion of people, blank, unhappy stare, evoke empathy
Slogan- We Can Help- Constantly offering support to people who need, making themselves known
Typeface- Sans Serif- Very simple font, east to read, matches serious tone
Text- Targets specific personal situations in order to target a specific group of people who need that type of support.
Lifestyle- Struggling in their situation, lower or middle class, struggling and need support
Logo- Very simple, V is a house, relates to their goals to help those who are homeless, easy to understand, serious
Anchorage- "Where will we live" "They cant do that" and "I cant face it" relate to real life personal and specific situations of people who are struggling with homelessness
Composition and Layout- Main image and text central to image to evoke interest and empathy in audiences, text at bottom read second to understand goals and what they offer. Details at bottom for anyone interested to communicate.
Colour Pallet- Red, White and Black, very plain pallet, suggests serious tone, red could suggest negativity (Blood, violence, etc). Red contrast brings attention to text, important part of image
Persuasive Language- Big Close Up, shows in detail facial expression, feels personal, direct address in plain stare at camera, typical conventions of charity ads, Evokes empathy in audience for these people and make them feel inclined to support. Rhetorical question, urges audiences to consider, crates sympathy.
Genre Conventions of charity ads- Close up, Blank plain stare, Direct address, Plain/washed out colours, Logo is very simple, serious.
Friday 23rd February 2024
Thursday 29th February 2024
Exam Format
Homeless Charity Ads:
Genre Conventions:
Health and Beauty Ads:
Genre Conventions:
Fashion Advertisements:
Genre Conventions:
Friday 1st March 2024
Exam Structure
adhere to a dominant social group/audience
Physical abuse victims, predominantly female abuse victims, concerning female genital mutilation and disagreeing with it. Varied ethnicity.
Underrepresentation of Age, Disability, Social Class.
Negative version of reality constructed, one where there is commonly extreme prejudice and violence toward women.
15 marker-
10 marker - conlcusion
3 Paragraphs
Intro + Conclusion (Make judgement)
Explain how representations are used in advertising to promote the product. (River Island Ad)
The river island ad uses representations and product placement to create a positive brand image in order to convince audiences to buy more of their products.
A Medium-Long-Shot is used in this ad to clearly depict the model as a french man in a wheelchair, this already depicts River Island as a very inclusive brand or at least a very inclusive advertising campaign. The facial expression of the model clearly depicts happiness which clearly states a message that states that despite his disability, he is not held back whatsover and is like anyone else. This is also emphasised through his clothing and clearly well groomed features, suggesting he is extremely stylish and typically attractive despite his disability while also promoting the product, suggests that River Island clothing allows him to be this stylish despite his ailment. Additionally the fact that he is a french man suggests the brand is ethnically inclusive and further promotes their brand as positive.
These very positive representations of typically underrepresented groups in advertising creates a very positive brand image and represents very positive brand values and beliefs for River Island, this Significantly helps the brand sell their product and have very succesfull Financial gain through giving the customer a very positive peace of mind while buying the product, knowing they are supporting a very inclusive and body positive organisation rather than other fashion brand that conform to typical negative tropes of prejudice and only strive to have financial gain. While this advertisement is a commercial ad and the main objective is to sell their product for financial gain, their positive brand image created through their very positive representations makes the customer feel less guilty and makes them more comfortable and peaceful knowing they are supporting an inclusive and caring brand.
In conclusion, the River Island advertisement uses positive representation to create a very positive brand image in order to convince customers that they are supporting an inclusive and caring brand and therefore efficiently sell their product.
Friday 7th March 2024
n your answer you must:
- consider how media representations convey values, attitudes and beliefs in Source C
- make judgements and reach conclusions on how audiences may respond to and interpret these media representations.
Analyse how effective the representations are in the River island advert (Source D) and the Dior advert (Source E)
In your answer you must:
- consider how media representations convey values, attitudes and beliefs in Sources D & E
- make judgements and reach conclusions on how audiences may respond to and interpret these media representations.
Friday 8th March 2024
Case Study 3 Magazines- The Big Issue
Large, sans serif font, strikes out, first thing seen
Top of page, first noticed
Red- Intense colour, masculine etc
Top of page, typical, Attracts attention
Lighter colours, seen after masthead, gives you info
Sans serif, simple
Under masthead, read immediately after etc
Smaller, insignificant,
Darker colour, black to emphasise it on white background.
Top left, smaller, insignifanct, not much attention
Feature Article:
Black, Red, darker colours, intense, masculine,
Large serif font, emphasises it, smaller than masthead, bigger than everything else, gives order of viewing.
Top Right of page, seen after masthead, point of interest.
Central Image:
Direct address, looking straight at camera, confident, masculine
Mid Low angle shot, Shows muscle and makes seem powerful and stronger
Middle of page, focus
Cover lines:
Sans Serif, easy to read, large but smaller than feature article, order of viewing
Side of page, doesn't take away from from main image,
White, Red, Black
Very small, not normal for a banner, may not even be a banner
Black circle, abnormal shape, stands out,
Serif font on 'Style" to emphasise the importance and fanciness of it
Bottom right, Uses the z Order to be one of last things seen.
Top Central Masthead
2-3 Cover lines on central side of page.
Main image fills whole background.
Majority use of Sans Serif for masthead, cover lines, FA etc
Usually very few puffs (1)
The Big Issue:
Launched in 1991, aim to transform lives of London homeless people, hand up not a hand out. Non Profit
Is a social enterprise that aims t unlock social and economical issues for million of people worldwide, Big issue offer jobs to those who are homeless or bordering on it, supporting communities and offering jobs that dont require qualifications. The big issue strives for social equality and justice. Vendors
Big issue covers a large variety of topics ranging from very light entertainment things such as pets, games, events, etc and very heavy topics such as political toils, global issues, worldwide turmoil etc.
The big issue targets people of most ages, likely, people 14 onwards. The big issue targets people who are homeless and people bordering on homeless to sell their magazines in order to support them.
Big issue magazines in the uk are £1.75 for vendors to buy and £4 for the public to buy from vendors.
The big issue now uses mobile card readers to combat the generalisation of less people carrying cash due to covid and government recommendations. This increased sales by about 40%. Additionally can now be bought in some retailers and online from specific vendors.
Thursday 14th March 2024
Friday 15th March 2024
Thursday 21st March 2024
The Big Issue
LO: To analyse the representations and ideologies constructed
Friday 22nd March 2024
Pink is used to represent the queen, feminine, emphasises masthead.
Main image Clearly depicts the queen, very high quality photo, easily identifiable
Black background, in wake of queens death, black commonly associated with funerals and respecting and feeling somber about the dead. also emphasises the main images
Tagline- Bright and Green, very positive, green may suggest environmental health etc
Black masthead, again black often associated with funerals, respect
Subject-, very inclusive pronoun "our" sense of unity. Emphasise queens importance to the public,
Main image- Both are represented as very serious as it is a very serious/sad subject.
Red & Blue, Right and Left wing
Will Payne physically in middle, suggests neutrality
"our man" suggests he sides with TBI and their political bias. Supports and is with the reader/target audience of TBI.
Both people are physically on the side of their group
Big heads, comedic idea, reduces seriousness, makes audience take them less serious, could suggest inflated egos
Expressions- Rishi sunak is shown to quite silly and unprofessional while kier sturner is made to look much more serious.
Big heads are also intertextual references to the film "Carry on sergeant", along with the franchise, which contains much humour that is intentionally not funny.
Blue placed on top half of cover, suggest labor is superior, political bias of TBI
Titanic- suggests disaster,
Flaming recycling bins, makes Rishi sunak look villainous and that he is responsible, makes him look evil and destructive, Red masthead supports this, red connotes blood, violence etc, red used in the tagline "Truth, Reality and what comes next" suggests that the truth and reality that will come next is very negative and/or aggressive and violent. The weather surrounding the background, very cloudy and dark, suggests negativity or oncoming disaster.
"Rishi Sunak and the big oil gamble", The word gamble is very negative, suggesting he takes risks and cuts corners in order to get what he wants, suggests he is unreliable and would problematic and unsuccessful in power, along with his expression in this main image being very happy and unprofessional, suggesting he is careless and suggesting that he may even take pleasure in the negativity he causes, this could also link to the representation of him as a villain.
The train in the background of the cover represents one of rishi sunaks biggest financial failures, the HS2 transport system originally costed 37 Billion, but it was cancelled/scrapped by Rishi Sunak because the costs became to high, representing rishi sunak as a failure and unrelaible.
Analyse how the big issue magazine has used media language to express viewpoint and ideology on viewpoints at the time.
The big issue reflects a wide range of liberal viewpoints that combine with its very left wing ideology, it therefore has a biased viewpoint on certain global influential political icons, such as Donald trump and Vladimir Putin as well as at the time relevant suggestions that also relate to politics such as the Korean missiles also shown in the cover, all in all suggesting the heightened tensions between the 3 countries at the time this magazine was published, the child like illustration effectively shows the Big Issues viewpoint on the global politics at the time.
This cover has a very bright colour palette using pastel colours to suggest a common trope in children’s drawing, illustrating the political icons in these colours suggests very childlike attitude from all referenced political icons. Suggesting that these people are acting childish while in a very powerful positions meaning they are unfit to be in such a position. The small illustration of trump in the top centre of the cover is accompanied by the twitter icon and has dollar signs in his eyes, this is referencing the several controversial statements trump has made on twitter as well as representing him as greedy, a very negative attribute for a political leader. This illustration of him as well as the one of Putin in the bottom left corner being very small in size and undermined by the rest of the cover suggests they are weaker or irrelevant, generally insulting and making fun of their high position in politics. The illustration of the Korean missiles being very similar to fireworks plays into the very childlike representation of very serious political context at the time. The title/masthead “HAPPY” is the largest and most prevalent playing into of the childlike design of very serious current political situations, it is the largest element on the cover and can mislead the reader at first glance as it suggests a very different tone than the magazine actually is.
This cover very effectively uses media language such as colour palette, layout, language, style etc to convey the big issues viewpoints and ideologies.
Thursday 18th April 2024
Media Language and Representation Exam Questions
The Big Issue positions its audience to share their viewpoints on homeless people, as very sympathetic and to affix a more positive representation rather than the extremely stereotypical misrepresentation and stigma around them being victims, worthless and negatively represented in general such as many mainstream media representations being shown as dirty, unhygienic and assigned only to a much older age range.
This is supported heavily by the tagline "A hand up not a handout" which clearly representes their values trying to affix a more positive and accurate representation of homeless people. Removing the dehumanisation and condescension from typical homeless aid organisations and replacing it with with The Big Issues outlook of shared social responsibility.
Friday 19th April 2024
Media Language and Representation exam questions.

ReplyDeleteGood notes and some interesting analysis. Make sure you're using as accurate terminology as possible
Good notes
Good additions. Try to use CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS in your analysis
WWW: you've used clear and specific examples from the text to back up your ideas and included theory!
EBI: make sure you use accurate terminology when describing elements of the texts - shot types etc.
WWW: good ideas, clearly supported by textual reference
EBI: your main analysis section needs to be longer - at least 2 separate paragraphs. Also, make sure you explain HOW the representations/depictions reinforce or undermine certain values and what they are. Link back to BI ideology.