Lights, Camera, Action
Friday 29th September 2023 LO: To understand and practise using the principles of film making. Success Criteria: To film an effective scene using basic filming rules. Shot Types Rhythm tone meaning Establishing Shot- time of day, geography, scale of subjects, used as transition, Wide Shot- Represent relationship to environment, scale of subject, appear lost, lonely, overwhelmed Full/Long shot- story about characters face and body, statements about subjects Medium/Long Shot- Present confidence in confrontation, cowboy shot Medium Shot- Shows emotion and detail Medium Close Up Shot- Intimacy with subject without physicality, can capture boject and characters reaction. Close Up- Highlights change in emotion, shows characters thoughts and feelings Extreme Close Up- Isolate something crucial, show intense emotion, creates emphasis on something Framing Singles- Features one character alone, primary focus, used to convey a characters isolation Two Shot- 2 character in frame, ...