NEA Feedback & Midterm Feedback
Friday 29th November 2024 Magazine Targets- Recut images used Revise cover line style and placement (Make more unique) Add more info to contents Incorporate Masthead into contents page. Website Targets- Finish Link Page, more text, more elements etc Look at other websites and try and replicate style Improve digital convergence Midterm Targets- Balance time for each question better Question 3: Make multiple clear points and try not to repeat the same point over and over. Question 4: Write more, allocate time better. Ensure multiple clear points are made Intro- Codes & Conventions differences reflect audiences- Yes. Agree, Disagree, Both 2- context of production and consumption of KE Production and consumption of LP 3- Context influence in C+C- KE 4 Context influence in c+c- LP 5- Conclusion- judgement, differences In C+C KE + LP Theory Context LIAR Codes and conventions in long form television dramas reflect the different values, attitudes and beliefs of aud...